Why Keeping Your README Updated is Important
04/12/2022 - Jonathan Wang
When I joined Niedziela Solutions, there were multiple repositories I had to clone and familiar myself with. I’ve had a couple realizations about setting up code repositories since I’ve been working here.
4 Areas to Master for New Developers!
06/21/2021 - Jonathan Wang
Coming from a 16-week full-stack coding bootcamp, I learned a bunch of skills and technologies jammed into such a short time. I learned and used several modern programming languages, frameworks, databases and other important pieces of tech. I spent time...
Technical Cheat Sheet V1
02/17/2021 - Sarah Sunday
A new area of the website has been added: the resources section. Right now, it only has the Technical Cheat Sheet. The idea behind this cheat sheet was to consolidate common tech terms, acronyms, and so on, and provide basic,...